Never is there such a cornucopia of events in one month than this year's October. Sure you have the mainstays like Columbus Day on the second Monday, where there is some parade somewhere and a slew of protesters; beer-drinking throughout the world at an Oktoberfest; and of course Detroit's rocking Devil's Night on the 30th and Halloween the next day. But did you know today is apple crunch day, that we’re in the midst of national pizza month and that October 8th is American Tag Day? (If so, then you’re it as the new writer of this blog.)
And in the "First of The Month" we never do leave out sports, religion or politics - cause they are inseparable by some of our readers. So don't forget that fantasy football is in make-or-break it mode as your players have bye weeks and homecomings across the country 'welcome back Cotter' during their big festivities. (This is where I give my obligated NASCAR push.) Revv up those engines cause the Chase for the cup continues with Jimmy Johnson. Vroom! Vroom! And now to Religion: The big one this month is the Jewish celebration of Rosh Hashanah, which ends at nightfall tonight, and Yom Kippur, which is 8 days away. And for politics, we have exactly four weeks, six days and a few hours before the polls close for the presidential election. A lot can happen in those 34 days. Let's look at Thursday for example, Tina Fey takes on Grandpa Joe in an all crucial celebrity death debate. (Winner gets a meet-and-greet with VP Dick Cheney at a quail ranch.)
And what would October be without our birthdays? You still can't come up with a good answer can you? Well it would be a parallel to being Detroit Lions fan during the Matt Millen era. (A lack of hope and a 31-84 record. Mr. Obama can you please take over the team. You have the audacity to help restore the roar.)
So today let's take a teaspoon of sugar for "Mary Poppins," Mrs. Julie Elizabeth Andrews Wells as she turns 73 and tomorrow let's drink till we puke to the sounds of Gordon Matthew Sumner aka "Sting" blast out Roxanne on his 57th birthday. Six day later lets get down under (not that way) and eat some gator with “Crocodile Dundee” star Paul Hogan who turns 69 the same day "Chevrolet Chase" gets on the Funny Farm reunion tour for the big 65. Later in the month Doc takes us 'back to the future' (whatever that means) as he celebrates his real life 70th birthday on the 22nd, three days before Sir Patrick Yoest goes 'dancing with me' to the tunes of 'Still the One' as we celebrate the honorable John Hall's 61st birthday. And to round out this eclectic group, let’s toast again, this time to that nasty Halloween-theme jungle juice that everyone makes, and give a obligatory laugh to John Candy, who would have turned 58. Rest in Peace until November.
On another note, On Sept. 20th Mr. Benjamin Robert Mulder was born.
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