Family, friends and friends of family and friends, welcome to the 11th month in the Gregorian calendar, November. This month opens up on a Saturday, which allows you to kick off with a
“Craicin” time. (For those of you not up on your Irish-lingo, that’s “good” time.) And rest assured, you can forget about all those ghosts you saw last night. Yes, I’m talking about those Palins/Tina Fey look-alikes, Joe the Plumber real-lives and Barry Obama tykes. You can forget about that and take a moment to give a great “Americafyea.” You see, November is about giving your all, whether that be for voting a big yes for Democracy (which is much easier than filling out a Florida ballot); saluting those who have served with another “Americafyea” one week later and stuffing your face with, well, stuffing on the 27th. November is the month of prosperity for NFL and FBS (another stupid acronym) teams searching for titles and when Fred Couples makes his yearly paycheck at the Skin’s golf match. This month’s election day is November 4th, and yes this is a first
for the first of the month – people may elect a black president or a gun slinging “maverick” from Alaska. So go out there and give it your all buster; listen to some Guns and Roses “November Rain” and pop in that sweet November film with that dude from Point Break (Yeah we’re talking about “Sweet November,” which also stars that freaky-looking “Monster” woman); and remember this Bud’s for you. (BTW, INBEV, a Belgium brewing company is buying American icon Anheuser Busch. And what would a November be without some birthdays to be thankful for? So Mr. Lyle Lovett, happy 51st birthday today as you recall your wedding with Julia Roberts. And Ms. Aston Kutcher, we wish you a happy 46 on November 11th, which is six days before Bryan Adams sings another “Summer of 69” with all those Vancouver Canucks fans. On
November 20th Michael Scott’s hometown boy and Democratic VP candidate, Joseph R. Biden Jr., recalls his Scranton roots when he turns 66 exactly three days before “Just the Way it is” Bruce Hornsby turns 54. And to end this month, one of the newest “American Dads”, Clay Aiken” turns 30 the same day everyone’s real “British Idol,” Billy Idol, turn 53 as he does another “Rebel Yell.”