Oh friends and other friends, welcome to the ninth month of the Gregorian Calendar - our

Before we go any further: Happy Labor Day 08 you bartenders; cell-phone dealers; cab drivers and Zamboni ice cleaners. And now to all the people that still have a safe place of employment - you. We celebrate Septembrie through the change of colors; welcoming football season and fighting drugs, at least that was what I was reminded last night when a patron of a college bar at the University of Minnesota was wearing a "D.A.R.E To Resist Drugs and Violence." Tshirt.
So get up and celebrate with Jerry Lewis as he once-again welcomes this month by embarking on another all-nighter.

And what would September be without birthdays? Incredible superhero mogul, Andrew "Sattttter-Day" Satter turns the big 30 today. Satter: Welcome to a new decade of life. You are joined by JTT, who turns 27 on September 8th, exactly three days before Mr. Harry Connick Jr. sings in the big 41. And Mr. Jerry Lee Lewis, who turns 73 on September 29th, the same day Carlton Bank's idol Bryant Gumbel turns 60.