Welcome to the sixth month of the Gregorian calendar, June. In June we have the pleasure of being in the middle of the year, when the longest day turns spring into those dog days of summer.
While it is a prelude to America's birthday month, it certainly whistles its own patriotic tune with Flag Day on the 14th. And how more patriotic can you be than having pearl as your month’s traditional birthstone and being known as the month that ends the Democratic primary? June is a make or break month for movie companies as the May blockbusters take a backseat to the lesser-known summer hits, but just-as-worthy-of-your-eyes kind of flicks. (I
guess the new Hulk film would fall right about here.) And of course we have Fathers’ Day on the 14th and National Go Skateboarding Day on the 21st. (Dad, this Bud’s for you.) This month we have a slew of sporting events. It starts with the conclusion of the NBA and NHL finals and Saturday's Belmont Stakes, when Big Brown will attempt to be the first in 30 years to hoof in as the Triple Crown winner. Later this month we will have a new EURO soccer champ and Tiger Woods returns at golf's U.S. Open.
And what would June be without a slew of birthdays? Yesterday we celebrated the 53rd birthday of the other
famous “Garth” – Mr. Dana Carvey, who turns a year older exactly six days before Kayne “I hate and love America” West turns 31. The iconic Olsen twins turn 22 on June 13th, exactly one week before Dan Conner/John Goodman turns 56. And let’s not forget John Cusak who turns 42 on June 28th, exactly two days before Olympian swimmer Michael Phelps turns 23. Also, we can celebrate the 1st birthday of Natalie Rose and birth of Baby Birchmeier.