I visited National's park a week or so back for a Friday night game against the Braves. The stadium is amazing, great site lines, local food and the best $8 dollar beer you can ask for. But the main image that sticks in my mind is the 25,000 empty seats. It boggles the mind , a 75 degree and sunny spring night in the city vs. arguably the most popular team in the NL and we can't get 10k fans to pony up 10$ for a cheap seat on a Friday night?
Granted, the Nats stink, bad. I mean like Newark bad. But having lived in both NY and Boston, where the cheap seats are 50 bucks and you gotta know someone even to get those, I just don't get it. I know I know, its tough to build a fanbase when the population turns over ever 4-5 years, but it seems to me that someone isn't doing their job. Is it the GM, the head of Marketing, or you the DC fan? Who knows? But do the team, the city and yourself a favor, grab some buddies, hit the metro and head to a game, I guarantee it will be more entertaining than Dancing with the Stars.